Friday, March 04, 2011

IMDB: Wha' Happened?

I used to love IMDB. It was my 'go to' site when I needed to find out some trivial thing I was either curious about or couldn't remember. Like when a friend of mine and I spent two hours trying to remember Katie Holmes' name and we finally had to look it up. Ever play that game? You refuse to go online and make your brain recall a fact you know you know. Good exercise for the noodle.

But back to IMDB. I realized I wasn't using it as much because they changed the interface. It's way too busy. Graphics everywhere, images moving around, text that's 'continued' somewhere else and they've managed to turn a perfect little site into a big mess.

Not sure what their game plan is. I suppose they're trying to get into the streaming/Netflix business...I dunno. Seems like everybody is trying to ride the coattails of gool ol' Netflix these days. Good luck IMDB. And Bhuy Bye!


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