Wednesday, February 02, 2011

'Band of Brothers' Leader Dies at 92

I read that Richard 'Dick' Winters of 'Band of Brothers' fame died the other day. I was a big fan of the show and the book, and decided to break out the DVDs when I heard the news and watch a few.

Two days later, I had watched all ten episodes again, including the 'extras' disc.

What a great show. I would put it up there with 'Star Trek', 'The Sopranos' and 'The Honeymooners' as one of the best television series ever. Produced by Tom Hanks and Spielberg after their success with Saving Private Ryan, they tried it again with 'The Pacific' recently, but that show pales in comparison. It was pretty good, but it lacked great characters and some of the episodes were kind of dull (like when they go on leave to Australia...yawn).

Maybe it's just that the war in Europe makes for better story telling. But whatever the reasons, 'Band of Brothers' doesn't have one boring episode. Hell, it doesn't even have one boring scene.

My favorite 'Brother' is Donald Malarkey. I dig him because, like me, he's an Oregonian. He's still alive and lives in Salem. He's played by an actor I really like, Scott Grimes. Grimes played 'Archie Morris' during the last few seasons of 'ER' and was great in that role, too.

Rest in peace, Captain Winters.


Blogger Matt said...

Couldn't agree with you more about the show or the portrayal of Winters's character, which is unforgettable; the confident leadership, without false bravado, the pride -- or chagrin -- of his men's deeds, the impeccable judgment, a leader, not a commander.

If Easy Company was a band of brothers, Winters was the father.

(Which, I guess, makes Nix the drunk uncle...)

10:32 PM  

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