Thursday, November 15, 2012

'The Girl' vs. 'Hitchcock'

I really enjoyed the HBO movie, 'The Girl'. Toby Jones was super in the role of Alfred Hitchcock.

Jones also did a bang-up job as Truman Capote in the film Infamous. At the time, the movie was overshadowed by another film about the famous writer, Capote, starring Philip Seymour Hoffman. Hoffman went on to win the Best Actor Oscar.

How ironic is it that Jones is again playing a real person just as another movie about the same person is being released? And that the other movie is also starring an Oscar winner?

But his competition, the Anthony Hopkins' film, Hitchcock, looks lousy. I've only seen the previews, but Hopkins isn't very convincing and the movie itself seems silly compared to 'The Girl', which examined Hitchcock's weird obsession with Tippi Hedren.

Hitchcock is about the making of Psycho and the previews are marketing it as though Hitchcock was doing something risky by making it. I'm not convinced.

All films are 'battles', especially the good ones. But Alfred Hitchcock was one of the most famous directors at the time. He was a 'franchise' with a TV show, a magazine and paperback books all using his image as their main selling point. And he had recent hit movies like Rear Window and North By Northwest.

I'm not really that interested in watching Hitch's phony 'struggle' to get Psycho to the big screen.


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