Tuesday, October 09, 2012

So Long Ago...

John Lennon's birthday always makes wonder what he would be like if he was still with us.

And as much as I wonder how his music would have evolved, I really wonder what would be saying about stuff. His interviews on TV and in print were always enlightening. And funny, too. He had a quick and sharp sense of humor. He was somebody who's opinion on the state of the world interested me and helped to shape my opinions on politics and social issues.

Back in 1975, Lennon went into 'retirement' and didn't talk to the press or make any new music for five years. Then he came back in 1980, made one last album, did a bunch of interviews, and you know the rest.

But during the late 70's, when he was in limbo, his fans and the press were jonesing for their Lennon fix. And fans like me were wondering what the heck was going on?

After making at least one album a year and being such visable public figures, John and Yoko eventually had to make some kind of statement. They published an open letter in all of the major newspapers thanking people for their 'good vibes' and said that everything was fine, but they needed some 'quiet space'.

I wonder, if a middle-aged rock star took a five year break today, would anyone even notice?

The intense interest in 'where is he?' during that period is even more remarkable when you consider that Lennon had fewer 'hits' than any of his fellow Beatles' (yes, even Ringo was selling more records than John during the early 70's).

Like I said, it was his presence we missed as much as the music. What did he think of Ronald Reagan? What did he think about punk rock? We really wanted to know.

Since he's not around anymore, I'd like to think he'd be appearing on 'Real Time With Bill Mahar' and 'The Daily Show', talking about immigration (he was an expert), gay rights and Obama versus Mitt.

And I'd be on the edge of my seat listening to every word.


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